Competition Partner Group - Promotion, Event, Service


Those who want to have, have to give!

Incentives and loyalty programs are and will always be extremely powerful engines to drive your sales force. Competition, team-building, travel, or bonus – we provide effective concepts and efficient implementation.





Make a wish!

From a personal calendar to a personal signed Ferrari.
We will find and create for every budget promotional awards.
Let us surprise you and amaze your team!

Travel & events

One moment in time!

For this very special moment, even your employees like to get top performance. They will proceed with their next job highly motivated - provided unique experience and appropriate communication support!


We are stronger than I am!

Teamwork instead of individual combat. Group dynamics rather than obstinacy. Team building means: Growing together, perform together, do something positive together - live it!


Brings your energy back!


Unleash new team energy and inspire your employees to perform their best. Everyone wants to win and will do his - guaranteed!





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